SEA ActivTable Project

Engagement, Collaboration and Cooperation

The SEA Assistive Technology Team is excited about our pilot project involving the Promethean ActivTable. Many of you may we wondering, “What is the ActivTable”? The ActivTable is an easy to use interactive ‘table’ that allows up to six users to simultaneously engage, collaborate and cooperate on a task or activity together.

Teachers have begun to receive their ActivTables and are very excited to learn new ways to facilitate cooperation and collaboration with their students. Each Special Education classroom that has received an ActivTable will be supported through two in-school training sessions where they will learn how to use the ActivTable along with how to create or modified existing activities. 

Participating teachers will also attend a Networking session were they will be able to hear other teachers’ successes with the ActivTable and ways in which the ActivTable has been used in their classrooms. Furthermore, they will have the opportunity to explore various ways they can use or create activities for the ActivTable that meet the specific needs of their students.
Schools have been very excited about this new technology in their classrooms.
Images of students interacting with the ActivTable.
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