“I haven’t been this excited in teaching in a long, long time!”
As a team, we are always looking for feedback to ensure that we are meeting the needs of our participants and to learn what we can do to improve.
Paula Brown, a teacher at Dublin Heights Elementary and Middle School, had the opportunity to participate in two of our projects this year – an Interactive Whiteboard Learning Community and the Alternative Access Project.
Ms. Brown recently shared that her participation in these sessions has been magical. Ms. Brown said, “I haven’t been this excited in teaching in a long, long time!” Part of her excitement comes from the valuable professional development that she has been receiving. Ms. Brown likes that our session are geared for teachers and so they are “rich in practicality” which gives teachers attending the confidence to start playing with the technology. Ms. Brown also remarked that the Itinerant Resource Teachers are “dynamic presenters” which helps support teacher engagement during the sessions.
Paula Brown recommends that other teachers should “jump in and [not to] hesitate” to participate in learning communities or other such projects! She also commented that teachers “need support at the school level” from administrators and other teachers, as learning new technology can’t be done in isolation.
More reflections on our projects will be shared in upcoming posts as our projects wind down for the end of the school year.